server laravel application

 asset_url = domain/public

chmod -R 755 public/admin/

composer dump-autoload

get the application from hostinger

Image upload in laravel


if($images !== null) {
foreach ($images as $image) {
if($b_images !== null) {
$images = $request->file('image');
namespace App\Helpers;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Storage;

class ImageUpload

public function uploadImage($requested_image,$location)
$storage_dir = 'images/'.$location;
$storage_path = Storage::disk('public')->path($storage_dir);
$filename = time() . '_banner_' . str_replace(' ', '-', strtolower($requested_image->getClientOriginalName()));
$requested_image->move($storage_path, $filename);
$storage_path = 'storage/' . $storage_dir . '/' . $filename;
return $storage_path;

public static function instance()
return new ImageUpload();

<div class="form-group"><strong>image:</strong>{!! Form::file('image[]', array('multiple'=>true,'accept'=>'image/png, image/gif, image/jpeg','value'=>'{{$data->image}}','placeholder' => 'image','class' => 'form-control')) !!}</div>
@foreach (json_decode($data->image) as $image)

<img style="width:100px;height:100px;" src="{{asset($image)}}" alt="11.jpg">


<div class="form-group"><strong>banner_image:</strong>{!! Form::file('banner_image', array('value'=>'{{$data->banner_image}}', 'accept'=>'image/png, image/gif, image/jpeg','placeholder' => 'banner_two_image','class' => 'form-control')) !!}</div>
<img style="width:100px;height:100px;" src="{{asset($data->banner_image)}}" alt="11.jpg">


Event listening in react

 How we can listen to som eevents

some envents fire like click or automatically

user enters into input button , that is event
on word type it is event





React add new template part 2



must have one parent ellement

            <h1>First Component</h1>
            <p>This is the first component</p>
import React, { useState } from 'react';
function First(){
    return (        
            <h1>First Component</h1>
            <p>This is the first component</p>

export default First;


adding styles in jsx 

import './subscription.css';

div className=''



dynamic data in jsx react

variables {} 

curly braces

{javascript code valid}

javascript expressions


Data passing in react


communication between components

pass as prop

let subscription {




Accesing props in react

implemetning js code in jsx react

convert date to readable format

creating single responsibilty components in react

component in component

because for date more transformations 



children props in react

same kind of template in so many places



other details in jsx react

writing react in  soo many ways

folder staructure

arrow function 


what is react

 why react is popular

what are the key functions of react

who can start a career as web developer , ui developer, full stack applicaitons 


how to maintain an dpass the data in component

commuinicaion between component

modules what is modules 

what is jsx

how to pass betwen data

simple to learn

waht is react

it is javascript library for building web interfaces

use to buildy higly interactive, flexible, and responsive webinterfaces

interactive -> mobile 

flexible -> page ka breakout nahi, means desktop to mobile at position

responsive => fast,  it will get data from backen but takes speed and 

client side scription 

load the code at browser

it will not load at server

what is spa

this uses dom

like tree



htmnl dom

why choose react for web development

to render on the scren 

latency decrease

user actiion -> have to react that action

for in javascript -> to write simple action shave to write too much of code


event listener

in javascript we cannot do after event handler calls

but in react we can call that 

in react we can divide the logic into smaller reusable components



easy to code

easy  to write

easy to understand

realt time example

react vs angular vs vue

in react -> if need any new fatures , u have ot use library

devloping using eract less features , less load on user

less learning time

angular-> so man y features are there which we are not use, heavily loaded


setting up project


what installations required

visualt studio code 

prettier extension


auto save in visual studoio 


components in react

user given input and output -> interactive user interface

what is rsx


html,css,javascript basic knowledge

reac is the ligbrary based on the javascript

react js easy to use, code reusability, easy to declare


header is one componer

line is one component

pointer is another component

why component sis another component

how do u create component in react

function name an dcomponent must match , maing conventions

write the function in component and export taht

import that



installation of node

node js -> run javascript without browser 

browser hsa capabiltiy when javascript loaded into browser

node js is used by this tool create react app to run some logic

npx create-react-app myfirst app

it willl install react folder, cretre react server

it will install depundencies and abundancies

npm update or install 

to install all the diependices use above

and it will save in  node_modiles

after create react no need to run , npx create it already run the npm install

understanding file staructure


after installed u can see bsic files 




npm start ->


information gather, dependices history , from where install whic hversion

and meta data it has

src folder


undertand index.js

first file that gets used when u open is indexd.js

where to start the applicaiton 

what is boostrap 

it will there in index.js

it is default file

first file index.html

it will call index.js

imporeted app , app.js is the ocmponent

default react logo will show from app.js

defenelty export

index.js react 

convert to html, javacript

reactdom -> eract dom library

react tdom is used to render something



introduction to jsx

jsx meanss javascript + xml

xml means its one type of html

react juses jsx it is also like html but how its validate

writing html in javascript called jsx

jsx not uneerstad by browser, react will transform itno pure javascript, html, css

mainchunk .js

it has all transformed rect


it has also import no there

pure javascript follows the imperaqtive approach

where u give clear inster

custom components

react introduction



front end , back end , databse

react is a library which is used to develop front end web development

it is used to develop single page application

for example take youtube

on ist time it wll reloads

if we click on anything na it will nto reloads

it will just calling another component


it will load wahtever component require instead of all page loads

if all page loads it will call all apis , becasue of this it traffice increase and internet of user will be more

so if we call whatever component calls, it will save





web page diveide into compoentns

each element we can call as component

take webpage it is divide itno compoentns

to call componentn we are importing where ever we reqired and 

calling components using props

after fetching api, load to state, 

based on the lgoic and work we can divice itno smaller components


STA -> 

abc -> ecomerce, cart -> + or - add items

xyz company -> ecommerce -> 

senditn data from outside to component using props

using state -> varaible

once compoennt developed have to show always updated date whenever it calls

instead of getting al data ,get data using pagination

component -> class basec compoentns -> classes it has -> it used state

fbc-> it has functions-> they are using hooks

hoooks -> they are special type functions -> 

node -v 

have to install

npm -v

nodejs used to render react with out browser

vs code is required


es7 react/redux/graphql by rodrigovallades

npx create-react-app 

npm is a node package manager, based on ur given inputs it will download to local

npx utilising that packages , after our work over its in same code level

usign package.json-> u can get all the modules if modules are lost

online react render

run the ap[plication 

npm start

what is jsx

return {html tags}

writin html in js called jsx

return {

<div className="'>

normal html is class

jsx className

html for in form , javascript for loops

html to jsx convertore online tools


<!-- Hello world -->
<div class="awesome" style="border: 1px solid red">
  <label for="name">Enter your name: </label>
  <input type="text" id="name" />
<p>Enter your HTML here</p>


  {/* Hello world */}
  <div className="awesome" style={{ border: "1px solid red" }}>
    <label htmlFor="name">Enter your name: </label>
    <input type="text" id="name" />
  <p>Enter your HTML here</p>


what is ( this project what i doing its telling)

gitignore -> used to ignore some folders whih is used to have large files like images , 

in public


robots.txt -> which traffice will allow , which traffic will nto allow

manifest.json -> using this we can develop progress web app ( android aplication)

favicon -> icon of website


div id="root" 


src folder


get root id from index,html

and load data to that id

this app means app.js


function based components

how to craete comppnents

in src folder

create cbc.js

rcc type it will create automatically class based components

fbc -> function based components

rfc type

it will create function based components


after created call that compoient in app.js

write CBC , it wil automatically import at starting

it wil show in downside 

in cbc


rco type

it will craete constructor

in fbc 

use usestate hooks

how to pass props

<cbc value='vb' />

<fbc topic="react" />


<p > t his is {this.props.value} </>


<p> iam {props.topic} </p>


server laravel application

 asset_url = domain/public chmod -R 755 public/admin/ composer dump-autoload get the application from hostinger