embedded javascript templates node js | nodejs tutorials

 create folder views

and index.ejs 

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>TODO List</title>

<h2>TODOs List</h2>
<% for( var i in tasks ) { %>
<li><input type="text" name="tasks[]" value="<%= tasks[ i ]; %>" /></li>
<% } %>
<form action="" method="post"
onkeydown=" if( event.keyCode == 13 ) this.submit(); ">

<% for( var i in tasks ) { %>
<li><input type="text" name="tasks[]" value="<%= tasks[ i ]; %>" /></li>
<% } %>


in app.js

/ Use 'ejs' as the template engine
app.set( 'view engine', 'ejs' );

// Point unrouted requests to the 'views' directory
app.use( express.static( 'views' ) );
// Respond to any requests from the browsers..
app.all( '/', function( req, res ){
// Render index.ejs using a predefined list of tasks
res.render( 'index', {
tasks: [ 'Create Node.js App', 'Eat Dinner', '' ]
} );
var tasks = [ 'Create Node.js App', 'Eat Dinner' ];
app.all( '/tasks', function( req, res ){
// If the form was submitted..
if( req.body.tasks ) {

// ..use tasks from the form
tasks = req.body.tasks.filter( function( val ) { return val; } );

// Create an empty task
tasks.push( '' );
// Render 'index.ejs' using the up-to-date task list
res.render( 'index', {
tasks: tasks
} );

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