node js network programming | nodejs tutorials


node js server programming using tcp

on socket - we will host our applicaitons

and at the other end on telnet - we wil  raise request

telnent transfered by tcp to socket - raise teh request - resolve at asocket

for this purpose we import net

create  a server with socket


var net = require("net");
var server = net.createServer(function(socket)
socket.end("Hello and good bye");


server.on("error", function(error){
if(error.code ==='EADDRINUSE')
console.error("port is already in use");
server.listen(1234, function (){
console.log("server started");

if server is on 

it below programm run otherwise port is not running like that areror  displays

var net = require("net");

var client = net.connect(
port :1234,
host: "localhost",
}, function (){
console.log("connection establieshd");


conenct to port 1234

in bleow programming

after server started

connected print

then at aclient side write json messange on client side

if any change in file modfication time - it watch continuosly

if modified - write 

changed  into file 

if client is disconnected it will print disconected




run node server.js data.txt

it will write int data.text


node client.js

write into file

echo >>data.txt

conect between client and server

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