difference between private, protected and public variables

 public define and access from any where

protecte acess from public function only

privae we canoot aces from outside and define in the class only

In Laravel, as in many other object-oriented programming languages, properties and methods can be classified with different access modifiers: public, protected, and private. These modifiers define the level of visibility and accessibility of the property or method to other parts of the code.

Here are the differences between the three access modifiers in Laravel:

  1. public: A public property or method can be accessed from anywhere, both inside and outside of the class. For example:
  2. class User { public $name; public function getName() { return $this->name; } } $user = new User(); $user->name = 'John'; echo $user->getName(); // Output: John

  1. protected: A protected property or method can only be accessed within the class where it is defined, as well as any subclasses or classes that extend the original class. For example:
class User {
    protected $name;

    protected function getName() {
        return $this->name;

class Admin extends User {
    public function setName($name) {
        $this->name = $name;

$admin = new Admin();
echo $admin->getName(); // Output: Jane

In this example, the Admin class extends the User class, and it can access the protected $name property and getName() method inherited from the parent class.

  1. private: A private property or method can only be accessed within the class where it is defined. For exampl
class User { private $name; private function getName() { return $this->name; } } $user = new User(); $user->name = 'John'; // Error: Cannot access private property echo $user->getName(); // Error: Cannot access private method

In this example, attempting to access the private $name property and getName() method from outside of the class will result in an error.

Overall, using access modifiers in Laravel helps to control the visibility and accessibility of properties and methods, which can improve the security and maintainability of your code.

In the example given in the previous answer, the User class has a private property $name and a private method getName(). The private modifier limits the visibility of these members to only the User class itself, which means that they cannot be accessed or modified from outside the class.

When we create an instance of the User class and try to access the $name property or getName() method from outside the class, we will get a fatal error. This is because private members are not visible or accessible from outside the class:

$user = new User(); $user->name = 'John'; // Error: Cannot access private property echo $user->getName(); // Error: Cannot access private method

is is intentional, as private members are meant to be used only within the class itself. Private members

can be useful for encapsulating data and behavior that should not be visible or modified by external code, and can help to prevent unexpected side effects or security vulnerabilities in your code.

In summary, private access modifier in Laravel limits the visibility of properties and methods to the class where they are defined, and prevents them from being accessed or modified from outside the class.

difference between private and protected in laravel

In Laravel, private and protected are both access modifiers that can be used to control the visibility of properties and methods within a class. However, there are some key differences between the two that you should be aware of:

  1. private: When a property or method is marked as private, it can only be accessed within the class where it is defined. Other classes, including subclasses, cannot access or modify private members. This makes private members useful for encapsulating data and behavior that should be hidden from external code.

class MyClass {
    private $privateProp = 'private';

    private function privateMethod() {
        return 'private method';

    public function accessPrivate() {
        echo $this->privateProp; // OK
        echo $this->privateMethod(); // OK

$obj = new MyClass();
$obj->accessPrivate(); // Outputs: "private private method"
$obj->privateProp = 'modified'; // Error: Cannot access private property
$obj->privateMethod(); // Error: Cannot access private method

  1. protected: When a property or method is marked as protected, it can be accessed within the class where it is defined, as well as any subclasses or classes that extend the original class. This makes protected members useful for sharing data and behavior between related classes.

  class MyClass {
    protected $protectedProp = 'protected';

    protected function protectedMethod() {
        return 'protected method';

    public function accessProtected() {
        echo $this->protectedProp; // OK
        echo $this->protectedMethod(); // OK

class MySubclass extends MyClass {
    public function accessProtected() {
        echo $this->protectedProp; // OK
        echo $this->protectedMethod(); // OK

$obj = new MyClass();
$obj->accessProtected(); // Outputs: "protected protected method"
$obj->protectedProp = 'modified'; // OK (within subclasses too)
$obj->protectedMethod(); // Error: Cannot access protected method

$subobj = new MySubclass();
$subobj->accessProtected(); // Outputs: "protected protected method"
$subobj->protectedProp = 'modified'; // OK (within subclasses too)
$subobj->protectedMethod(); // Error: Cannot access protected method

  how do acess private property or method inside aclass and outside a class

i we wanna acce

In Laravel, private properties and methods can only be accessed from within the class where they are defined. However, you can provide public methods within the class that allow external code to access or modify the private members.

Here's an example:

  class MyClass {
    private $privateProp = 'private';

    private function privateMethod() {
        return 'private method';

    public function accessPrivateProp() {
        return $this->privateProp; // OK

    public function accessPrivateMethod() {
        return $this->privateMethod(); // OK

$obj = new MyClass();
echo $obj->accessPrivateProp(); // Outputs: "private"
echo $obj->accessPrivateMethod(); // Outputs: "private method"

In this example, we have a class MyClass with a private property $privateProp and a private method privateMethod(). We have also defined two public methods accessPrivateProp() and accessPrivateMethod() that provide access to the private members.

When we create an instance of the MyClass and call the public methods, we can access the private members indirectly. This allows us to control how the private members are accessed and modified, and provides a level of encapsulation and data hiding.

It is not possible to directly access or modify private members from outside the class, as attempting to do so will result in a fatal error.

we can access private and protected in same classd,then whats the difference betwen private and protected

es, you are correct that both private and protected properties and methods can be accessed and modified from within the same class by using public methods.

The main difference between private and protected access modifiers is that private members are only accessible within the class where they are defined, while protected members are also accessible within any subclasses of that class.

Here's an example to illustrate the difference:


In this example, we have a class MyClass with a private property $privateProp and a protected property $protectedProp. We have also defined two public methods getPrivateProp() and getProtectedProp() that provide access to the private and protected members.

When we create an instance of the MyClass and call getPrivateProp(), we get a fatal error, as private properties can only be accessed within the class where they are defined. However, we can call getProtectedProp(), as protected properties can be accessed within the same class and any subclasses.

In the MySubClass subclass, we can also access the protected property $protectedProp directly, without needing to use a public method, as it is accessible from within any subclasses.

In summary, private members can only be accessed within the same class, while protected members can also be accessed within any subclasses. This provides a way to control the visibility of class members and enforce data hiding and encapsulation.

  class MyClass {
    private $privateProp = 'private';
    protected $protectedProp = 'protected';

    public function getPrivateProp() {
        return $this->privateProp;

    public function getProtectedProp() {
        return $this->protectedProp;

class MySubClass extends MyClass {
    public function getProtectedPropFromSubClass() {
        return $this->protectedProp;

$obj = new MyClass();
echo $obj->getPrivateProp(); // Fatal error: Cannot access private property MyClass::$privateProp

echo $obj->getProtectedProp(); // OK
// Outputs: "protected"

$subObj = new MySubClass();
echo $subObj->getProtectedPropFromSubClass(); // OK
// Outputs: "protected"



  1. public clas or property we can acess form any where

    protected property or method we canot acess directly,
    we can access via public method or property only from child or same class

    private property or method we canot acess directly,
    we canot access private property directly
    we can access private property from same class or child class

    we cannot acesss private method directly
    and private method from child class,

    we cannot aces private method directly or inheritance
    we can aceess private method via public method in same clas only

    1. private,public,protected called as access modifiers


  2. In PHP, private methods cannot be accessed directly from outside of the class that defines them, including from child classes that inherit from the parent class. This is because private methods are meant to be internal implementation details of a class and should not be directly accessed by external code.

    However, you can call a private method indirectly using a public method defined in the parent class that calls the private method internally. This approach is often called "encapsulation" and is a fundamental principle of object-oriented programming.


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