convert synchronous to aynchronous function


convert asyncrhonous to syncronous in javascript

There are a few ways to convert asynchronous code to synchronous code in JavaScript. One way is to use the async and await keywords. The async keyword tells the JavaScript engine that the function is asynchronous, and the await keyword tells the engine to wait for the asynchronous operation to complete before continuing.

For example, the following code is asynchronous:

function fetchData() {
return fetch("").then(response => response.json());
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This code will block the execution of the rest of the script until the fetch() request has completed. To convert this code to synchronous, we can use the async and await keywords:

async function fetchData() {
const response = await fetch("");
const data = await response.json();
return data;
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This code will not block the execution of the rest of the script. Instead, it will return a promise that will resolve with the data from the fetch() request when it is available.

Another way to convert asynchronous code to synchronous code is to use the Promise.all() method. The Promise.all() method takes an array of promises as input and returns a new promise that will resolve when all of the input promises have resolved.

For example, the following code is asynchronous:

function fetchData() {
return fetch("").then(response => response.json());

function fetchOtherData() {
return fetch("").then(response => response.json());

function processData() {
const data1 = await fetchData();
const data2 = await fetchOtherData();
// Do something with the data
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This code will block the execution of the rest of the script until both fetchData() and fetchOtherData() have completed. To convert this code to synchronous, we can use the Promise.all() method:

async function processData() {
const [data1, data2] = await Promise.all([fetchData(), fetchOtherData()]);
// Do something with the data
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This code will not block the execution of the rest of the script. Instead, it will return a promise that will resolve when both fetchData() and fetchOtherData() have resolved.

Which method you use to convert asynchronous code to synchronous code will depend on your specific needs. If you need to access the data from the asynchronous operation immediately, then you should use the async and await keywords. If you can wait for the data to become available, then you can use the Promise.all() method.

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