interceptors in vuejs

 interceptor means stop and check or process and run, like a middleware in laravel

In a general sense, interceptors are components or mechanisms that intercept and handle certain events, actions, or requests in a system or framework. They are commonly used to modify or augment the behavior of a system without directly modifying its core functionality.

Interceptors can be found in various software development contexts, such as web frameworks, network communication, middleware, and more. They provide a way to intercept and manipulate data, perform additional processing, enforce security measures, or apply cross-cutting concerns before the intended action takes place.

The specific implementation and purpose of interceptors may vary depending on the context in which they are used. They are often used to implement features like logging, caching, authentication, authorization, error handling, data validation, and transformation, among others.

Interceptors play a crucial role in enhancing the extensibility, modularity, and flexibility of software systems by allowing developers to insert custom logic at specific points in the execution flow.

n Vue.js, interceptors are not a built-in feature of the framework. However, you can achieve similar functionality by using middleware or global event buses.

  1. Middleware: Vue Router supports the use of middleware functions that can be executed before navigating to a specific route. You can define middleware functions to intercept and handle specific actions or conditions before rendering a route.


const router = new VueRouter({
  routes: [...],

router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => {
  // Interceptor logic here
  next(); // Call next() to proceed with the navigation

  1. Global Event Bus: You can create a global event bus using a separate Vue instance, which allows components to communicate with each other indirectly. This can be used to intercept and handle events or actions across different components.


// Create a global event bus
const bus = new Vue();

// Intercept events
bus.$on('someEvent', () => {
  // Interceptor logic here

// Emit events

These approaches provide ways to intercept and handle actions or events in Vue.js applications, allowing you to add custom logic or perform tasks before proceeding with the intended action.

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