load and eager method in laravel

 In Laravel, both the load and eager methods are used to load relationships, but they differ in their behavior and usage:

  1. load method:

    • The load method is used to load relationships on a specific model instance or a collection of model instances.
    • It is a lazy loading technique, which means that the related models are loaded when you explicitly call the load method.
    • You can use the load method to load relationships on a single model instance:


$post = Post::find(1);


You can also use the load method to load relationships on a collection of model instances:


$posts = Post::whereIn('id', [1, 2, 3])->get();


eager method (eager loading):

  • The term "eager loading" refers to the technique of loading relationships in advance, reducing the number of database queries.
  • In Laravel, eager loading is typically accomplished using the with method, not the eager method directly.
  • The with method allows you to specify the relationships that should be eagerly loaded when fetching the primary model or a collection of models.
  • Eager loading is more efficient compared to lazy loading because it retrieves the related models in a single query instead of performing separate queries for each model.
  • Example of eager loading using the with method:


$posts = Post::with('comments')->get();


    • In this example, the with('comments') specifies that the comments relationship should be eagerly loaded with the posts.

In summary, the load method is used for lazy loading, allowing you to load relationships on-demand for a specific model or collection. On the other hand, "eager loading" is a concept in Laravel that refers to loading relationships in advance using the with method, which is more efficient as it reduces the number of queries.

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