
 cloud - data storage platform in online

cloud computing -> delivering of computing serveices

including servers, storage, databases, networking, software, analytics and intelligence over the internet

google drive free upto 15 gb

grete rhan free limit->  u have to pay

pay if u need serivecs

use of cloud: if we wanna work or develop an application 

we can develop at our own pc with high specs


go to internetn center, already application deplloyed in server, use taht code and do changes in code and deploy ->  processing of accesing data/application via internent

cloud providers

google cloud



digtal ocean

cloud has two models

service and deploymetn model(like private or shared hosting)

privat coloud -> upto this company
pubic cloud-> all are acceptable
hybrid cloud-> in an application _> something we can hide to publlic useres

it is best cloud provider
it is first among all clouds
it offers multiple services on different domains

it is hte combinatiioon of saas, iaas, pass

sass-software as services

cost benefits
no upfront cost
pay as u go model
purchasing optons ( how many options need that much money use)

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server laravel application

 asset_url = domain/public chmod -R 755 public/admin/ composer dump-autoload get the application from hostinger