how can we redirect user to another page progratamatically (router) -programatic navigation


path: this.$route.params[0],
query: this.deleteEmptyKeys(api_params)
.catch(err => {});




this.$router.push({ name: "clients" });


v-if="row.item.subscription.keywords.length > 0"
:to="{name:'crawler-job-articles', params:{}}"
<button class="btn-sm btn btn-primary">Articles</button>


<router-link :to="{ name: 'edit-client', params: { slug: row.item.slug}}">


path: "/admin/edit-client/:slug",
name: "edit-client",
component: () =>
import ("./views/admin/clients/Edit.vue")

query params in router link

<router-link :to="{ name: 'edit-client', params: { slug: row.item.slug }, query: { param1: 'value1', param2: 'value2' } }">

for params
  name: "manage-customer",
  params: { id: this.customer_id }
"customer/:id" a
for query
  name: "manage-customer",
  query: { id: this.customer_id }

programatic navigation

we can use router and next

in router js use next for naivation

In Vue.js, the next() function is used in the context of navigation guards to control the flow of navigation. Navigation guards are functions that can be added to Vue Router routes to perform actions before or after navigating to a route.

The next() function is used within navigation guards to control the navigation flow. It must be called to indicate that the navigation should continue. Without calling next(), the navigation will not proceed.

The next() function can be called in different ways depending on the desired behavior:

next(): Calling next() without any arguments indicates that the navigation should proceed to the next route as usual.

next(false): Calling next(false) cancels the navigation, preventing the current route from changing. The user stays on the current route.

next('/') or next({ path: '/' }): Calling next() with a new path or a location object as an argument redirects the navigation to the specified path.

next(error): Calling next() with an error object as an argument triggers the router's error navigation mode, where the error object is passed to the error navigation handler. This is useful for handling navigation failures or error scenarios.

Here's an example usage of next() within a navigation guard:


Copy code

router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => {

  // Perform some logic or checks

  if (condition) {

    next(); // Proceed to the next route

  } else {

    next('/login'); // Redirect to '/login'



In this example, the beforeEach navigation guard is used. If the condition is met, the navigation proceeds to the next route using next(). Otherwise, it redirects to the '/login' route using next('/login').

The next() function is a crucial part of navigation guards, allowing you to control and customize the navigation flow in your Vue.js applications.

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