interview questions in vuejs

 virtual dom in vuejs


how vuejs code run on client machine

what is the mounted propert in vuejs

can we call the parent component from child component

what is emit

in parent component-> one methd call from child component

what is mixins

getters and setters

what is uses of post or  update

how can i delete  a particular object in array

axios libraty used to call ap-> lbrary

how to pass the token in api call

how can we pass the file in p[ost method

what is dispatch action  in vuejs

how to clone the project from gtilab

create branch gitlab

aapril 30 2024 zensar technologies


what features implmented in vue3

from upgrading vue2 to vuej3 . what challeges u will facfe

have you integrated any apis in vuejs

what checkings have to check while using api

sum(1)(2) in javacript

what is te difference between opttion api and compositon api

what is the arrow funciton

whare cane we implement

what are advantages of arrow function

from vue 2 to vue 3 upgrade what are the challenges

call api with fetch method and return users

<template> <div> <h1>{{ msg }}</h1> <ul v-if="!loading"> <li v-for="user in users" :key=""> {{ }} </li> </ul> <p v-if="loading">Loading...</p> <p v-if="error">Error fetching users: {{ error }}</p> </div> </template> <script setup> import { ref, onMounted } from 'vue'; const users = ref([]); const msg = ref('Hello World!'); const loading = ref(true); const error = ref(''); onMounted(async () => { try { const response = await fetch(''); const data = await response.json(); users.value = data; loading.value = false; } catch (err) { console.error(err); error.value = err.message || 'Unknown error'; loading.value = false; } }); </script>

const obj = { a: 1, b: 2 }; const key = 'c'; console.log(obj[key]); whatts it output

higher order functiion in es6

reduce, filter, mao

const person = { name: 'John', age: 30 }; const { name, } = person; console.log(rest);whatis the output
type of rest is

sum(1)(2) in javacript what is this

what is difference between scoped slots and named slots


why you prefere vuejs
spa applicaiton
login page and after autheticated if click on back it will not go to login page
d what is directive in vuejs
life cycle hooks in vuejs

difference between option api and compositon api
what is the arrow funciton what is main difference beteeen es6 and es3
difference between watch and computed

without property declared, have to show that in vuejs html 
what is getters and setters
what is mutations, whatis actions, 
data between component
how to create full name in state, acess taht and update tahat property
how to access state into component
what is map helpers 
what is es6 features
what is difference between promises and async

whatis closures in javascript

what is promises
how to call rest api methoid
axios or fetch

test cases in vuejs -> 
zest framweork 

task is 
have a json, from that create a table and get the background oclor, filter and delete and 

zensar technologies

filters in vuejs
data varaible changes call function how to procedure
press enter call function
event modifiers
how to acess event object in vuejs
variable changes, which lifecycle method call
reactivity in vuejs
hwo do you create reactiivty in vuejs
onlcick call function ->
whenever click event happens, what is event object

event modifiers in vuejs
wheenver key enter call funcitons
datacommunication between components
when datavaraible changes , call funciton
what are directives in vuejs

v-show and v-if differemce
filters in vuejs
state of our applications
server side rendering in vuejs
data types in javascript

arrow funciton and normal funciton
why we have to use arrow function ( is there anything importance to use arrow funciton)
scoping in javascript
difference between let and var
array methods
difference between map and foreach

life cycle hooks in vuejs


sone way databinding and two way data bidning 

conditonal directives

how to share components in vuejs

what are the various components ion state management

how can we redirect user to another page progratamatically

difference between slot and scoped slot in vuejs

use of;


purpose of v-once directive 

perform testing in vuejs, what do you use for it

filters in vuejs (its like computed property)

mixins in vuejs

middleware in vuejs

which one call first actions or mutations or state in vuex

primitive and non primitive datatypes in js

high order function in javasript

composition api and option api

waht is direcitves


virtual dom in vuejs

benefit of virtual dom

vuex-> how to manage the state-> 

click on button _-> which one will ist ccall in vuex

computed has caching or not

how to call api -> axios or ajax

authentication what  middleware in vuejs

store token usign middelware

cookeis and  session stored ?

local storage and sesion storage

life cycle and hooks

create and before create

vue3 and vue2 difference

scoped slot and vslot in vuejs



box model in css

css specificty

css display properties

display inlineand display inline block

flex properties in vuejs

css positon properties css

postion releative and absolute

how does relative position works

primitive nad not primitive and reference data type

let,const and var diference

es6 new features

regular and arrow function difference

main difference above two

undefined and null in javascript

what is call back in javascript

why we use call back 

javascript is synchrnous or asynchronoys

how to write async function 

higher order function is synchronous or async

map, filter


call apply bind method (spread oparator )

difference between promise adn async

typs of state in pro,mise(reject, pending,accept)

css postiotn properties

difference between postion relative sticky absolute

getters and setters in vuejs

let app_settings = this.$store.getters.getAppSetting();


15/5/2024 5-6 pm





do u have any experinece in custom directives invuejs

difference betewwen vue3 and vue2

difference between optiona api and compositiona api

what is pinia

coimmunicate between two components

what is promises

what is asyn and await

what is event loop

difference between var , let and cosnt

if function it has no return, what it will return

2 dropdowns to select `from` and `to` currency
An input box that allows user to enter the amount of `from` currency
A convert button - when clicked converts the amount of `from` currency to `to` currency and
displays the result below.
this.$store.commit('setAppSettings', app_settings_data);

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