differenece beween option api and compositon api ( vue apis)


the future of vue is realy compostion api
it is typescript

-- const greet = () => console.log('hello ${isTableLoading.value}');

msg -> vue temlating syntax or double crly brackets

without refresh if we give any input in inputbutton its changing the value at display
v-model two way databinidng

it will display before loading and takes from user input thas is v-model (two way databinidng)

its copy cat of ist input, if we change ist one, or enter value in ist one, its automatically display in wherev msg v-model is there

we are getting or setting the value of message
example of vuejs 

to work like above in javascript
we have to get h1tag and call if input event happens then write the listener 
too much lines, then we have to update on every keystroke -> its one way databinding

in vuejs it is two lines
{{}} -> usign thing binding data to dom (vuejs templating sytax)
double mustaches or double curly brackets
uppercase of mour message -> {{msg.toLcalUpperCase() }}

shorthand or ternary  {{ msg ? msg : 'welcome' }}
shorten this {{msg || 'welcome'}} if messge varaiable is not there

list rendering in vues

const header = reff('shopping list app')
<h1>{{header}} </ht1>

<li> one </li>
<li> two </li>

what is alternative for above

const items = ref(["one","two"]);
const items = ref([{id:1,label:"one"},{id:2,label:"one"},]);
<li v-for="item in items" key="id"> {{item}}</li>

key tells that unique item in items may be database id
in above key is dynamic, so have to add colon before key
:key="item.id" add colon before key is called attribute binding
<li v-for="item in items" :key="item.id"> {{item.label}}</li>
second approach
<li v-for="({id,label})  in items" :key="id"> {{label}}</li>
to print index

<li v-for="({id,label}, index )  in items" :key="id">{{index}} {{label}}</li>

Tips and Gotchas for Using key with v-for in Vue.js 3


<li v-for="({id,label})  in items" :key="index"> {{label}}</li> -> it will give false securit y thats keyis id


user inputs in vue
modifiers to v-model
<input v-model="newItem" type="text" placeholder="add">
if we type any data to this vraible 
it will automatically show 
but if give modifiers 
v-model.lazy -> after 5 seconds it will show after typing
v-model.trim itwill remove the white space before and afet the word
we can use v-model on text area, radio, select box


user events in vue3 (same function we given in three places, (key enter, form submit, buttonclick)
scrolling, mouse movement 

clieck  event (click button)
whnever entered data in input element that have to push to object

<input v-model.trim="newItem" type="text" placeholder="add an item">

<button v-on:click="items.push({id:items.length+1, label:newItem})"
class="btn btn-primary">
save item</button>
<li v-for="({id,label}, index )  in items" :key="id">{{index}} {{label}}</li>

v-on directive (key enter is an event)
key modifier 

<input v-model.trim="newItem" type="text" v-on:keyup.enter="items.push({id:items.length+1, label:newItem})" placeholder="add an item">

esc,delte keys
focus,mouse over events

form submit
 v-on:submit="items.push({id:items.length+1, label:newItem})"
abov e short hand below

@submit.prevent="items.push({id:items.length+1, label:newItem})"

methods in vue with the compositon api

const saveitem = () => {
items.value.push({id:items.length+1, label:newItem.value})
newItem.value =''";

conditionals in vue
v-if an v-else directives

html attribute binding in vue

v-bind:disabled="newitem.lenght > 0"
v-bind we can use for every attirbute

dynamic css classes with vue

:class="|strkeoute: purchased,priority:highpriority}"

on both conditons
strikeout: purchases,
priority: highpriority,

strikeout: purchases,
priority: highpriority,


without condton



terrnacy dynami classes

purchased ? 'strikeout text-gray': ''underlikned",
highPriority ? 'priority' : '',

const togglepurchasd = (item) => {
item.purchased = !item.purchased



computed properties in vue with the compositon api

import {ref,computed } from 'vue';

<p> {{charactercount}}/200</p>

const charactedcount = computed( () => {
return newItem.value.lenght;

const reversedItems = computed (()=> {
return [..items.value].reverse()

li v-for in reverseditems
last in first out

reactivity fundamenteals
import {ref,reactive}
ref = ractive data for our app
const variable = ref('hello worlld');

const state = reactive({count: 0});
<button @click="state.count++">incrment count</button>

<button @click="incriment">incrment count</button>
const incrimetn =() => {
state = {count : state.count++}}

local setup with vite
vue official play groud provided by vue docs

vite to install 
npm init vue@3
it wil ask
project name:



it is home of our applicaiton, whateer there this must be show in all pages

with cdn also we can work with this

vue application instance

create app at main.js (its the entryline for our aplication
its a single file application

The Root Component

The object we are passing into createApp is in fact a component. Every app requires a "root component" that can contain other components as its children.

If you are using Single-File Components, we typically import the root component from another file:

import { createApp } from 'vue'
// import the root component App from a single-file component.
import App from './App.vue'

const app = createApp(App)
component tree

App (root component)
├─ TodoList
│  └─ TodoItem
│     ├─ TodoDeleteButton
│     └─ TodoEditButton
└─ TodoFooter
   ├─ TodoClearButton
   └─ TodoStatistics

inside welcom compoent so many component ad inside so many component s
vue pp.vue vue applicationinstance



const greet = () => console.log('hello ${isTableLoading.value}');

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