having small component with single responsibitilties
when persone buys ticket we will emit a buy ticke tevent
and it tells to movie room one ticket sold
it will emit an event to parent movie compoenent
movie ticket event know user need whic h movie, which seeat, whichtimings required
and decreases the amount of available tickets using props
it might emit an event to app comonent
and t passes an event actial ticket o shooping cardt item
this strucutre is fine for small and medium applications
it add cart o sshopomg cart
vuex is state managment library for vue applicaitons
it serves as a centralized data store for all components in an application
instead of changing data directly we canuse vuex before changing data
every change in vuex, it can debuggable means log the things
person move to movie room
vue init is the initilisation of vue
shopping-cart is the applicationname
add to card and check out
import vuex from 'vuex'
export default new vuex.store({
products: []
productsCount () {}
fetchProducts () {}
vuex mutations
single state change it woudl update products to array
fetch products make responsible for ajax call
setproducts => setting the products and update te products to array
mutitaoion -> simple -> just updating piece of state
actions can be complex it can never update the state
vuex always pass teh state in every paramaers in vuex
state meaans vaaible
some additional paramaters also there it may be payload
so at invidual vue , there is no need od data object anymore because we are storing globally
so required computed property
it will return te product data
we cannout upate directly state
we have to cal mutations to update state
to update mutoation or commit mutation
store.commit('state_name') with payload
store steate to access the data
store mutation to update teh state
using vuedevtols plugin, we can inspect the vuex tracking
getters are tehe computed properties, we wol mostly at computed only instead of dta baraibles
similary like mutations, in getters functiion
ist parameter is state
second one is pauload
return state.products.filter(product => product.inventor> 0);
products () {
return store.getters.availableproducts
vuex actions
everywhere ajax call -> we have to call that function if we write at specific vue page
insted that if we arite at vuex, without repeating code, we can cal fetch products
why we write fetch products api at created at indivudal vue, after create instance we have to call products
add to cart
if calls cart ist check product is avaialble or not then add to cart
store.commit => commit to state
if we cal actions -> store.dispatch
actions are asyncrhonous
we need to know when an action is done
so by promise we knowthis
loading is true, once promise resolve loading is false
rootstratus is
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