Closures in JavaScript
Ever heard about closures in JavaScript?
They're powerful and fundamental concepts that can enhance your code.
What are closures?
Closures are functions that remember the lexical scope of variables and functions in which they were defined, even when these variables and functions are executed outside that scope. This means closure functions have access to variables from their parent scope, even after the parent function has finished executing.
In simple terms, closures are functions inside another function.
Why are they important?
Closures help in creating private variables, implementing data encapsulation, and enabling callback functionalities in JavaScript.
In the example image, `innerFunction` forms a closure over the `outerVar`, preserving its value even after `outerFunction` has finished executing.
Benefits of closures:
- Encapsulation: Allows hiding of implementation details and exposing only necessary functionality.
- Data Privacy: Provides a way to create private variables inaccessible from outside the function.
- Callbacks: Enables powerful callback functionalities, like event handling and asynchronous operations.
Closures help to write cleaner, modular, and more maintainable code!
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