reverse a astring
check if a stgrign is a apalindrome
find th elongset word in a string
find the factorial of a a number
check if a number is prime
remove dupliocate characters from a string
find the largest element in an array
flatten a nessted array
capitalize the first letter of each word in a astring
create a function to generate a random number between a given range
find the maximum number in an array without using math..max()
implement a a code to remove duplicates from an array while preserving gth eoriginal order
write a function to merge two sorted arryas into a single sorted array
writae a function to caliculate the median of an array of numbers
implement a function to perform a deep comparision between two objects
write a code to find the intersection of mulitple arrays
write a function to format a date object into custom date format strng
writ a function to format a date object into a custom date format string
create a function to validate email address using regular expressions
write code to replicate the array.filter() method
wriete a function to debounce user input events using closure
impleeten a function to replicate the method
writ e a function to clone a regular expression object in javascript
implement a fuinction to clone a promise obeject preserving its state and value
imp,enment a code to validate ana santize user input for form fields on aweb page
write code to implenmtn memoization ofr a recursive function to optimize performatnce
write a function to detact and remove duplicate values from an array without using additinal data structures
write a code to rpelicate the arrya.reduce method
implement a function to srort an array of objects based on as spefified property value
crate a function to check if a given string is a valid json
implement a funciton to perform a deep merge of two objects
implenment a funciton to fglattenan array of oarbraly nester arrays using iteration
implement a custom promise lbrar with support for chaoining and error handling
wirte code to perform functional composition allowing chainign of pure functions
implenmet dynamic code splitting and lazy loading of javacsript modules
imp,ement a function ot create a custom event emtter with support ofr asynchromous event listeners
imp,ement your own version f promise.all
write a throllte function which limites the rate at which a function can be called
build a real time data visualization app sing libraries like d3.js or chart.js
implement a real time chat application using web sockets
wrote code to perform frp transoformations on streams of data
write code that demonstrates opmtimzing performance by minimizing dom manipulation
write a function to arse markdown-formatted text o into html
optmizie given code and its perforamtnce without chaning its functionality
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