get, set, wakeup, constructor, destructor,
Exploring the Enchanting World of PHP Magic Methods!
Have you ever encountered PHP's mystical double underscore methods? They're known as magic methods, and they add a touch of elegance and versatility to your code. Let's take a journey into their captivating realm with examples that showcase their power.
1. __construct(): This method casts the initial spell when an object is born, setting the stage for its existence.
2. __destruct(): As the final curtain falls on an object, its destructor method performs a final enchantment.
3. __call($method, $args): Summon this method to invoke inaccessible methods dynamically, adding an element of surprise.
4. __callStatic($method, $args): Akin to __call(), but for static methods, opening the door to the realm of static magic.
5. __get($property): Crafted for retrieving inaccessible properties, this method wields the magic to unveil hidden treasures.
6. __set($property, $value): Tame elusive properties and infuse them with new values using this method's enchantment.
7. __isset($property): Wondering about an inaccessible property's existence? This method unveils the truth.
8. __unset($property): Wave the magical wand of this method to make inaccessible properties vanish.
9. __sleep(): As objects drift into slumber (serialization), this method decides which dreams to carry into the void.
10. __wakeup(): When objects awaken from their serialized slumber (deserialization), this method breathes life into them.
11. __toString(): Objects can share their essence as text using this method, offering a poetic glimpse into their nature.
12. __invoke(): Objects transform into incantations with this method, responding to calls with their magical powers.
13. __set_state($data): Breathe life into objects from arrays using this method, reviving fragments of the past.
14. __clone(): Craft an identical sibling for an object using this method, a graceful act of object duplication.
15. __debugInfo(): Enhance debugging skills by revealing a sneak peek into an object's secrets.
16. __autoload($className): While deprecated, this method once held the power to magically load classes as needed.[0]=AZWbkeOnI04wvHPALBtrjrR0ZAyK_78V3frA2K_5uU31lP_Duq59R0GF_KAigGT9KCfF0v4RX__ig-Oj_GLhVGK7hns-bB4Zw6lkybqR4dRZDXUxKDfrWMmGjobcpmvVdzMPDOHBmfc9XJKLwUcb8Whk_G5FJWZPg8CpHF0jPSQWAA&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-y-R
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