it is developed in react
in jsx pacakge no need to like write that
modules, classes, arrow, functiuons, cl;asees map filter
in previous tutorail
i mentioned ract is libry because we include cdsn
now we react is framwork
to creat react usng commands
what is jsx
we wil write html tags only in js , so react libraries convert to html
component types
using funcitons called functional components
functional components, class compoennts
props => transfer data from parent to child
props ( class attributs)
contitional rendering
rendering => show data in browser
if this conditon is true then only show this
react events
cloick events
input key down
react list
to display in cards the fetched api data
form handling
aplication means
getting user data
then proces and send back to user
without extra div , develop sibling
component life cyscle methods
to manage tehe state this life cycle and this only can handle class compoentns
react hooks
to manage functional compoents we using react hooks
which data is shareable data and redux is library
global state management
we need some node js pacakge at our pc
then only we can run raeact app
vs code editor
atom editor
sub lime
vim editor
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