php tutorials -> operators in php



echo $x+$y;
echo "</br>";

echo $x-$y;
echo "</br>";
echo $x*$y;
echo "</br>";
echo $x/$y;
echo "</br>";
echo $x%$y;
echo "</br>";
echo $x ** $y;
echo "</br>";

// assignemnt oparators
echo $x;
echo "</br>";
// comparision operators

// we are using this at conditons
// if $x == $y means
// check value and type of both varaibles

// !=
// or <>

// !==
// >
// <
// >=
// <=
// <==>
// space ship

$x = 5;
$y = 10;

echo ($x <=> $y); // returns -1 because $x is less than $y
echo "<br>";

$x = 10;
$y = 10;

echo ($x <=> $y); // returns 0 because values are equal
echo "<br>";

$x = 15;
$y = 10;

echo ($x <=> $y); // returns +1 because $x is greater than $y



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