laravel collect method controller


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disable time stamp upto some time

Laravel tip. In Eloquent, you can combine `whereHas()` and `orDoesntHave()` in one sentence. Doesn't it read like a proper natural English language sentence? Beautiful code.

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The eloquent's method `orderByRaw()` lets us simply pass a raw query to order the results. For example, sorting by the difference between two columns.

Laravel tip. Extra Filter Query on Relationships. If you want to load relationship data, you can specify some limitations or ordering in a closure function. For example, if you want to get Countries with their biggest cities, here's the code.


Order::where(['checked' => 0])->update(['checked' => 1]);

$orders = Order::with(['customer', ''])
->when($status != 'all', function ($q) use($status){
$q->where(function ($query) use ($status) {
$query->orWhere('order_status', $status);
->when($filter,function($q) use($filter){
$q->when($filter == 'all', function($q){
return $q;
->when($filter == 'POS', function ($q){
$q->whereHas('details', function ($q){
$q->where('order_type', 'POS');
->when($filter == 'admin' || $filter == 'seller', function($q) use($filter){
$q->whereHas('details', function ($query) use ($filter){
$query->whereHas('product', function ($query) use ($filter){
$query->where('added_by', $filter);
->when($request->has('search') && $search!=null,function ($q) use ($key) {
$q->where(function($qq) use ($key){
foreach ($key as $value) {
$qq->where('id', 'like', "%{$value}%")
->orWhere('order_status', 'like', "%{$value}%")
->orWhere('transaction_ref', 'like', "%{$value}%");
->when($request->has('date_type')&& $request->date_type == "this_year", function($dateQuery) {
$current_start_year = date('Y-01-01');
$current_end_year = date('Y-12-31');
$dateQuery->whereDate('created_at', '>=',$current_start_year)
->whereDate('created_at', '<=',$current_end_year);
->when($request->has('date_type')&& $request->date_type == "this_month", function($dateQuery) {
$current_month_start = date('Y-m-01');
$current_month_end = date('Y-m-t');
$dateQuery->whereDate('created_at', '>=',$current_month_start)
->whereDate('created_at', '<=',$current_month_end);
->when($request->has('date_type')&& $request->date_type == "this_week", function($dateQuery) {
$start_week = Carbon::now()->subDays(7)->startOfWeek()->format('Y-m-d');
$end_week =Carbon::now()->startOfWeek()->format('Y-m-d');
$dateQuery->whereDate('created_at', '>=',$start_week)
->whereDate('created_at', '<=',$end_week );
->when($request->has('date_type')&& $request->date_type == "custom_date" && !empty($from) && !empty($to), function($dateQuery) use($from, $to) {
$dateQuery->whereDate('created_at', '>=',$from)
->whereDate('created_at', '<=',$to);
->when($delivery_man_id, function ($q) use($delivery_man_id){
$q->where(['delivery_man_id'=> $delivery_man_id]);
->when($request->customer_id != 'all' && $request->has('customer_id') ,function($query)use($request){
return $query->where('customer_id',$request->customer_id);
->when($request->seller_id != 'all' && $request->has('seller_id') && $request->seller_id != 0 ,function($query)use($request){
return $query->where(['seller_is'=>'seller','seller_id'=>$request->seller_id]);
->when($request->seller_id != 'all' && $request->has('seller_id') && $request->seller_id == 0 ,function($query)use($request){
return $query->where(['seller_is'=>'admin']);
'date_type' =>$request['date_type'],
'customer_id'=> $request->customer_id,
'seller_id' => $request->seller_id,


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