self join in laravel


A self join in SQL is a type of join where a table is joined with itself. This is useful when you want to compare rows within the same table or create relationships between different rows in the same table. Self joins are typically performed using aliases to differentiate between the two instances of the same table. Here's an explanation and example of a self join:

SELECT t1.column_name, t2.column_name FROM table_name t1 INNER JOIN table_name t2 ON t1.common_column = t2.common_column;

In this syntax:

  • table_name is the name of the table you're performing the self join on.
  • t1 and t2 are aliases for the same table, used to differentiate between the two instances.
  • common_column is the column that both instances of the table share and use to establish the relationship.

Example: Consider a table named employees with columns employee_id, employee_name, and manager_id, where manager_id is a foreign key that references the employee_id of another employee who is the manager of the current employee. Here's how you might use a self join to get the names of employees and their respective managers:

SELECT e.employee_name AS employee, m.employee_name AS manager FROM employees e INNER JOIN employees m ON e.manager_id = m.employee_id;

In this example:

  • e is an alias for the employees table (as the employee).
  • m is an alias for the employees table (as the manager).
  • We join employees with itself based on the condition e.manager_id = m.employee_id.
  • This query retrieves the names of employees and their respective managers by joining the employees table with itself.

Self joins are particularly useful in hierarchical structures like organizational charts or when dealing with relationships within the same entity, such as employee-manager relationships or parent-child relationships in a hierarchical data model.


SELECT t1.column_name, t2.column_name FROM table_name t1 INNER JOIN table_name t2 ON t1.common_column = t2.common_column;

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