space ship opertaor in laravel

eship operator (<=>) is a comparison operator introduced in PHP 7. It is also known as the three-way comparison operator because it allows you to compare two expressions and returns -1, 0, or 1 based on the comparison result. The syntax for the spaceship operator is:

$result = $expr1 <=> $expr2;

In this syntax:

  • $expr1 and $expr2 are the expressions or values you want to compare.
  • $result will be assigned:
    • -1 if $expr1 is less than $expr2,
    • 0 if $expr1 is equal to $expr2, and
    • 1 if $expr1 is greater than $expr2.

Here are some examples of using the spaceship operator:

echo 5 <=> 10; // Outputs -1 (5 is less than 10) echo 10 <=> 5; // Outputs 1 (10 is greater than 5) echo 10 <=> 10; // Outputs 0 (10 is equal to 10)

The spaceship operator is particularly useful when sorting arrays or objects based on a certain property or key. It simplifies the sorting logic by returning the appropriate value for sorting purposes without requiring separate comparison conditions.

For example, in array sorting:

$array = [5, 3, 10, 2]; usort($array, function($a, $b) { return $a <=> $b; // Sort in ascending order }); print_r($array); // Outputs [2, 3, 5, 10]

In this example, usort is used to sort the array in ascending order based on the spaceship opera

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