task by aqua web

 Test Project Description: You are tasked with building a job board application using Laravel. The application should allow users to post job listings, search for jobs, and apply for them. Requirements: 1. Job Listings: • Users should be able to create, read, update, and delete job listings. • Each job listing should have a title, description, company name, location, and job type (e.g., full-time, part-time, contract). • Implement pagination for displaying job listings. 2. User Authentication: • Users should be able to register, login, and logout. • Authentication should be implemented using Laravel's built-in authentication system. 3. Job Search: • Implement a search functionality that allows users to search for jobs based on keywords, location, or job type. • Display search results with relevant job listings. 4. Job Applications: • Users should be able to apply for job listings. • Upon applying, the user's application details (e.g., resume, cover letter) should be stored. 5. Email Notifications: • Send email notifications to users when they successfully post a job listing and when someone applies for their job listing. • Use Laravel's built-in mail functionality for sending emails. 6. Admin Panel: • Implement an admin panel where administrators can manage job listings and user applications. • Administrators should be able to view all job listings, approve/ delete job listings, and view job applications. Instructions: 1. Set up a new Laravel project. 2. Implement the necessary database tables, models, and relationships for job listings, users, and job applications. 3. Implement user authentication using Laravel's built-in authentication system. 4. Push your code to a public Git repository (e.g., GitHub) and provide the link to the repository. 5. Include clear instructions on how to run the project locally and any necessary setup steps in the README file. 6. Document any assumptions you made during development and any additional features or improvements you would make given more time.

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server laravel application

 asset_url = domain/public chmod -R 755 public/admin/ composer dump-autoload get the application from hostinger