task by hasone testdome


vuejs task
write the reoraderable list component . the component should recieve an array of elements as items prop and should displa the elements as list items in an unorderseed list
when the user click on a list item it should be sent to the first positionin the unordered list
for example if the component has the item prop ["A","B","C"], the list should look like:

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Reorderable List</title> <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vue@2"></script> </head> <body> <div id="app"> <reorderable-list :items="['A', 'B', 'C']"></reorderable-list> </div> <script> Vue.component('reorderable-list', { props: ['items'], data() { return { list: [...this.items] }; }, methods: { moveToFirst(index) { const item = this.list.splice(index, 1)[0]; this.list.unshift(item); } }, template: ` <ul> <li v-for="(item, index) in list" :key="index" @click="moveToFirst(index)"> {{ item }} </li> </ul> ` }); new Vue({ el: '#app' }); </script> </body> </html>


second task

convert a string of numbers to a sentnce .e ach number represents a aletter. numbers in  the string are seperated by  aspace. and words in the sentence are seperated by a plus characterf/

conversion table:

1 = A

2 =B


26 = Z

example numbe to letters (`20 15 19 20+4 15 13 5) should return 'test dome'

<?php function numberToLetters($string) { $conversionTable = [ 1 => 'A', 2 => 'B', 3 => 'C', 4 => 'D', 5 => 'E', 6 => 'F', 7 => 'G', 8 => 'H', 9 => 'I', 10 => 'J', 11 => 'K', 12 => 'L', 13 => 'M', 14 => 'N', 15 => 'O', 16 => 'P', 17 => 'Q', 18 => 'R', 19 => 'S', 20 => 'T', 21 => 'U', 22 => 'V', 23 => 'W', 24 => 'X', 25 => 'Y', 26 => 'Z' ]; $words = explode('+', $string); // Split string into words separated by '+' $result = []; foreach ($words as $word) { $letters = explode(' ', $word); // Split each word into numbers separated by spaces $wordResult = ''; foreach ($letters as $number) { if (isset($conversionTable[$number])) { $wordResult .= $conversionTable[$number]; } } $result[] = $wordResult; } return strtolower(implode(' ', $result)); // Convert result to a sentence in lowercase } // Example usage echo numberToLetters('20 5 19 20+4 15 13 5'); // Outputs: test dome ?>

echo numberToLetters('20 5 19 10+4 15 13 5');


implement the get view count method .it should accept a json 

a string and sum all vie wcount fields inside the json will alwyas hav ethe same structure as int he example case 

for example calling get view count should return 88270796 for the following $jsonstring 


  "apiVersion": "2.1",

  "videos": [


      "id": "253",

      "category": "music",

      "title": "Jingle Bells",

      "duration": 457,

      "viewCount": 88270796





<?php function getViewCount(string $jsonString): int { $data = json_decode($jsonString, true); $totalViewCount = 0; if (isset($data['videos']) && is_array($data['videos'])) { foreach ($data['videos'] as $video) { if (isset($video['viewCount'])) { $totalViewCount += $video['viewCount']; } } } return $totalViewCount; } $jsonString = ' { "apiVersion": "2.1", "videos": [ { "id": "253", "category": "music", "title": "Jingle Bells", "duration": 457, "viewCount": 88270796 } ] } '; echo getViewCount($jsonString); ?>


writea a function that removes all items that are not integers from the array the function should modify the existing aarray,nmot create a nbew one.

for example, if the input array containes values [1,'a,'b',2], after processing, the array will contain only values [1,2]

<?php function filterNumbersFromArray(array &$arr): void { foreach ($arr as $key => $value) { if (!is_int($value)) { unset($arr[$key]); } } } $arr = [1, 'a', 'b', 2]; filterNumbersFromArray($arr); print_r(array_values($arr)); ?>


an education magazine pulbishee rankings of strudnetns and theire colleges in a acompetitoion in building unmmaned aerial vehical dornes. students whoi participated in the competion in different yeres, their ranking in the competion, and their colleges are contained inthe following tables;

table colleges 

id integer primary key

name varchar(50) not null

table students 

id integer primary key 

name varchar(50) not null 

collegeid integer

foreighn key (collegeid) references colleges(id)

table rankings 

studentid integer 

ranking integer not null

year integer not null

foreign key (studentid) references students(id)

write a query that lists all collges that have atleast one student with a ranking between 1 and 3 ( both inclusive) for the year 2015. the query should return 

the college name,

the rank of their best rnaking studnet for 21015.;

the numer of students who had rankings between 1 and 3 ( both inclusive) for the year 2015

rank 1 is the best rank, rank 2 is the second best an dso on . more than one student can tie for a rank in a ayear

c.name AS college_name,
MIN(r.ranking) AS best_rank_2015,
COUNT(*) AS num_students_rank_1_to_3
rankings r
students s ON r.studentid = s.id
colleges c ON s.collegeid = c.id
r.year = 2015
AND r.ranking BETWEEN 1 AND 3



As part of a data processing pipeline, complete the implementation of the make_pipeline method:

  • The make_pipeline method should accept a variable number of functions, and it should return a new function that accepts one parameter $arg.
  • The returned function should call the first function in make_pipeline with the parameter $arg, and call the second function with the result of the first function.
  • The returned function should continue calling each function in make_pipeline in order, following the same pattern, and return the value from the last function.

For example, calling make_pipeline(function($x) { return $x * 3; }, function($x) { return $x + 1; }, function($x) { return $x / 2; }), and then calling the returned function with 3 should return 5.


function make_pipeline(...$funcs)
return function ($arg) use ($funcs) {
$result =$arg;
foreach ($funcs as $func){
$result = $func($result);
return $result;

$fun = make_pipeline(
function ($x) {
return $x * 3;
function ($x) {
return $x + 1;
function ($x) {
return $x / 2;
echo $fun(3); # should print 5


App usage data are kept in the following table:

TABLE sessions

Write a query that selects userId and average session duration for each user who has more than one session.

SELECT userid, AVG(duration) AS avg_duration
FROM sessions
GROUP BY userid



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why we use abstaract

what is difference

why do we interface

wht is static method

where can use static, where can we declare static

solid principles

design pattern 

whtis service container and service provider

array methods 

what type of array in php supports

session and cookie

what is http only cookie

what is break and continue 

how can we handle exceptions

what is finally in php

whatr is composer

what is composer.lock

how to update the pacakge 

how can we update teh specific pakage

life cycke method in vuejs

how to bind the data 

what is v-model

event emitters

what is props and data functions 

hwo can we declare a method in vuejs

what is pure function in javascript

set time out and set interval

how to stop the setinterval

hosting in javascript

waht is closure in javacript


what are join in sql

what is self join

what is inner  join

what is group by

what is indexing mechanism

what is composite index

aany experience in version control system and what is the workf low

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