what is daata
data is -> any sort of information which is stored on paper or in digigtal
messages in wahtasapp
location data in maps
twets / posts on oscial media
photots to be uploaded in social media is called data
if we clcks on ads, it will catch ip address, tahta will stored as data
in this mannaer it will generate more amount data
who is using data
to build attractive econonmy -> they are usign reward/coupon model
which company will give good revenwu-> to take a good decisiaon thye need data
data is the mnain thing to get revenue
data is the heart of the applciations
applcition developers
vital healt care
technologiecal inforatmion
to bring services to finger tips of the people ( we need data)
to help digitize nations (gpay , phone pe)
to build like above applicaitons we need data
ai/ml engineers use data to build integliigent softwares
perosnal assigsts like goolg voiece
virtual health assiants like med waht
they have all questions ans anseers , using data , if i questioin anything it wil answer
thats the greatness of data
autonomosu vehicles like
uber , tesla
autonomuse vehcils
they have to train on lot of dat ( who is at frotn what action have to take)
data scientis
they wikl collect data to geenrate deeper insights helping organisatons make data-driven decisions
it enhance custome experience and resource optmisaiton
to perform any operation on the data, it should be stred in an organisaed way
data base -> it is a collection of data
database management system -> used to easily storea nd access data from the database in a secure way
using dbms to store and maintian their data
data is any type, like music, messsage, media, video, ---
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