what are the versions in laravel and what are their major differences in laravel

 Laravel is a popular PHP framework that has released several versions since its initial release. Here are the major versions of Laravel:

  1. Laravel 1: The initial release of Laravel.
  2. Laravel 2: The second version of Laravel with significant improvements.
  3. Laravel 3: Introduced bundles and improved routing.
  4. Laravel 4: A major update with improved routing, Composer integration, and the introduction of Laravel Elixir.
  5. Laravel 5: A significant release with support for Laravel Homestead, Laravel Elixir, and the introduction of Laravel Scheduler.
  6. Laravel 6: Introduced Laravel Vapor, Laravel UI, and Laravel Nova.
  7. Laravel 7: Added Laravel Sanctum, Laravel Airlock, and improved routing and HTTP client.
  8. Laravel 8: Introduced Laravel Jetstream, Laravel Livewire, and many other enhancements.
  9. Laravel 9: As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, Laravel 9 has not been released yet. Please check the Laravel documentation or official channels for updates on the latest version.

It's important to note that Laravel follows Semantic Versioning, where each version introduces new features, improvements, and bug fixes while maintaining backward compatibility as much as possible.

laravel 5 to 6

  1. Laravel Eloquent Subquery: Laravel 6 introduced the ability to perform subqueries using the where method in Eloquent queries. This allows you to write more complex database queries using a more expressive and fluent syntax.

  2. Lazy Collections: Laravel 6 introduced lazy collections, which allow you to work with large datasets more efficiently. Lazy collections evaluate items in chunks, reducing memory consumption and improving performance when working with large result sets.

  3. Fluent String Operations: Laravel 6 introduced a new Str class with several helpful methods for manipulating strings, such as after, before, containsAll, snake, studly, and more. These methods provide a more expressive way to perform common string operations.

  4. Job Middleware: Laravel 6 added support for job middleware, allowing you to define middleware that runs before and after dispatching a job. This provides

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