whats the difference between "vue" in package.json and in terminal vue --version

 The "vue" listed in the "dependencies" or "devDependencies" section of your package.json file is the version of the Vue.js library that your project depends on. When you run npm install or yarn install, the package manager will download and install the specified version of Vue.js and its dependencies in your project's node_modules folder.

On the other hand, the vue --version command in your terminal is used to check the version of the Vue CLI (Command Line Interface), which is a command-line tool used for creating, managing, and building Vue.js projects. The Vue CLI is a separate package that you can install globally using the npm or yarn package manager:

npm install -g @vue/cli

Once installed, you can use the vue command in your terminal to create new Vue.js projects, run development servers, build production-ready code, and perform many other tasks related to Vue.js development.

So while the "vue" in your package.json specifies the version of the Vue.js library used in your project, the vue command in your terminal refers to the Vue CLI tool that provides various commands for managing your Vue.js projects.

vue cli 5.0.8

vue version 2.6.10

vue versions 1,2,3

major diffrence between vuejs version 2 and 3

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