how to install vue boiler plate from vite

 install vite

npm init vite

npm create vue@latrest

ides vs cde, ides,intellij ultimate, webstorm, jetbrains,sublime, text ++

win root

we have .gitignore

and pacakge.json -> it is javascript dependencies INSTALLAED VIA NPM

vue plugin for vite
vite can be used for otherframeworks also in this it is vue

import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue'

export default defineConfig({
plugins: [vue()],

@ =src 

import { defineConfig } from 'vite';
import vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue';
import path from 'path'; // Import path as an ES module

export default defineConfig({
resolve: {
alias: {
'@': path.resolve(__dirname, './src'),
plugins: [vue()],

create jsconfig.json
"compilerOptions": {

src directory where we write code 

npm install vue-router@4 --save

app.vue is single pag applicaiton
whatever we doing its reflected into this page
hwnever user visits about page, router-view renders the about vue

link between two pages using router-link or navigation

spa or single page applicaiton load what data changes instead of loading total page
spa make smaller requiests -> fetsh only what data changes

if we load what data changed -> make faster loading 
regular websites => fetch total application

acnhor tag refrsh total page, router-link not refreshtotal page

common pratice
router folder 

vue cli 
command line interface
whatever we wannn install npm pacakges, we cann cinstallusing this 
npm install -g@vue/cli
vue create vue-school-trip

babel gives lateste language featrues before hit the borwser

liner or formmater -> keep our code clean

select vue 3

use hiostory mode for router

error formater 

lint on save 

save this presets or configs for futiure projects no

router view renders the matched component
remaing all are like normal vue installation

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server laravel application

 asset_url = domain/public chmod -R 755 public/admin/ composer dump-autoload get the application from hostinger